Utilizing Carl Jung’s dive into the inner landscape of roles and personalities
Playful work with fairy tales, astrology, myth, Re-mothering the Inner-Child, Shadow Work and Finding the Hero’s Journey
The traditions of Jung invite an awareness of the experiential world. They provide a foundation for the Wisdom Traditions, religions, myths, and cultural folklore.
Includes “Parts” work, focusing on the Internal Family System theory
Relational Family Constellation
Intergenerational Work:
Genograms, Pattern Mapping, Ritual for Releasing Ancestral Patterns
Transforming Past Archetypal Beings into Benign Allies and Powerful Guides
Can we weave a new way of holding and being-with our life-stories?
Orienting to pleasure, while holding the painful presence of grief or dis-ease
Integration happens where Invitation, initiation and incarnation have been sown (or planted)
Attunement, alignment, centering, grounded connection to earth and body
These become steps to awaken to our truth, our true nature, our true song
Dance with the shadow, the pain, the discomfort and the exiled…..