“It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”

—Wendell Berry, Standing by Words: Essays

Family, Couple or Parent Consulting

Currently in my life, I find great joy in spending time with people who are curious, deeply curious about living an authentic life. I love the rich experience of supporting an individual in Self Discovery. I also love what arrives when a whole family has enough support to discovery their connectedness and the true sense of belonging.

When life events trigger the mind to feel lost, or the body to constrict and tighten to protect itself, then creative support provides the room for movement… in the body-mind, in the story we tell ourselves, and in the problems that we think we are needing to solve. When we take our mind off of the problem and put it into lifting our eyes up into the field of curiosity, then new ideas have room to expand and grow.

I work with Families, Couples, and Individual Adults… who are interested in changing their orientation to what they think is wrong in their lives. These families may feel overwhelmed, helpless to the needs of the family system, daunted by the task of parenting in a new generation of addictive behaviors (substance usage, eating issue, & the problematic use of the cell phone). Individuals who long for a deeper connection to their sense of Soul Purpose, or the relief from the anxious challenges we face as a culture steeped in intensive oppositional defiance will find support here. Of course, there are many issues a family may have, yet the overwhelm, the fears, the fatigue and the isolation that comes with a life struggling with living authentically is the same.

I offer family packages that have a wide range in how often the sessions take place, and in the type of modalities we use for our work. I may only work with one member of the family or all of them.

Working Together

You can work in person sessions, or remotely focused on topics such as:

  • SSP sound program daily
  • Archetypal exploration of astrology, usage of metaphor, myth, and storytelling
  • Attachment cycles & how we create connection and belonging  
  • Deepening the understanding of relationship boundaries
  • Family Constellation and interrupting generational patterns
  • Parenting Coaching
  • Couples Coaching
  • Family “Check-ins”

Here is a testimonial from one father about his work with me. I ended up working with the couple and then the family, including his children.

I can’t begin to list all the ways that Kate has been an incredible resource of support for me and my family. I’ve done loads of different therapy over the past several years and have never come close to working with someone as gifted as Kate. She’s been invaluable in the throes of the most challenging work I’ve ever faced.  She’s sweet, gentle and also firm. Nothing gets by her. There is an opportunity to be accountable for my past challenges without shame or guilt. I’ve left each and every session getting exactly what I needed without having any idea what that would be previously.  She’s been an absolute gift in my life that I’m eternally grateful for. I’m not sure how deftly I would’ve been able to navigate the deepest and most painful journey of my life without her.”  …Cal

There are many ways that support can take place as long as the elements of creating a safe container, enriching an exploration of Self-knowing and seeing results of Self-regulation are present. If this excites you, please fill out a contact form to inquire about these packages or individual work. 

Resource: A Conversation on Grief

Are you or your family working through grief? Please explore this resource, A Conversation on Grief, and know that this is an experience that can be explored deeply in our counseling sessions together.

Application to Work Together

Those wishing to do their own deep dive into Intensive direct work with Kate, are welcome to submit an application. This process is by application only and needs approval. Kate enjoys working with people who have already explored interpersonal process work. If you have a foundation in the theory or concepts associated with somatic healing or trauma informed care, feel free to inquire about deepening interpersonal explorations. These individuals do not need to be therapists or practitioners to benefit from our work together.

If you are interested in coaching, or family / parent consulting please fill out an application.
