“I have been working with Kate for almost 4 years and I can’t express how much she has touched my life. I initially reached out to her because of her diverse set of creative approaches. Upon meeting her, I was struck by her warmth, sincerity, and willingness. Over time, I have continued to work with Kate because she has been incredibly supportive, present, daring. She has instilled in me a curiosity and willingness to shift perspectives, balance emotions and take action. All along, I have felt that Kate hit an elegant balance between encouraging me, holding my hand and letting me build and walk my own path. She has not held back from challenging me, calling me out when I needed it, yet she also provided the softness and understanding that I needed. She has not only been a therapist but a mentor, a wise ear, a confidant. Kate is not your typical therapist and she doesn’t fit into any boxes. She is a true gem, and I feel lucky to have crossed paths with her.”
– Lalin Anik, BA, DBA Harvard Business School
“Of all the counselors I have supervised for licensure over my career (and there have been many), Katherine turned out to become one of the top therapists I have had the privilege to train. She is dedicated, inspiring, tremendously creative, and brings such great joy and enthusiasm to all her clients. She has often told me she learned so much from me, but I also learned so much from her. Always eager to share her knowledge and insights, she never stops learning for both her own personal and professional growth. One cannot walk away from any interaction from her and not feel they have grown in some small way. She is a delight and a true healer.”
– Jon Winder, LPC, LSA
“In my forty years of teaching interns in my approach to karmic astrology using Carl Jung’s philosophic foundation, I rarely found a student with such an integrated knowledge of Jungian psychology and spirituality. Then I found Kate Appleton. She not only had the knowledge and experience as a psychotherapist, she was open to expanding her horizons to learn what I had to teach. She has been a dedicated student throughout our twelve- year history. She uses karmic astrology as a precious tool in her ever- expanding tool box to assist her clients in becoming aware of their mind, body and soul.
It is said that students teach their teachers more than the teachers can ever share with their students. That is certainly true of our relationship. She has become my friend and colleague as well as my student. We have collaborated on many clients using our specialized skills in enhancing our clients’ progress.”
– Linda Brady, M.S – Co-founder of Partners for Karmic Freedom, Inc.
“The things I value most about working with Kate are her incredibly accurate intuition and her directness, which enable her to hone in and make progress significantly faster.
My life has improved dramatically in just the last 5 months since I started working with Kate. Throughout my life, I have had anxiety, difficulties with sleep, and emotional traumas.
Already, I have experienced tremendous results. Not only do I have less anxiety than I ever have before, but now I also have a deep sense of peace. I now fall asleep easily, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed. I have better boundaries which extends to a multitude of areas and situations. She has helped me understand, process, and reframe the emotional traumas I experienced.
Those are just the highlights. I could write several pages detailing the positive shifts I have experienced because of my work with Kate. I am excited to see what further progress I will experience through our continued work, likely things that I can’t even imagine right now!”
– Meghan M.
“I moved to Charlottesville for a new job and initially reached out to Kate because I was experiencing a lot of stress. I connected with Katherine right away. I was a bit of mess that first session and she was so kind. She listened, validated my feelings and didn’t judge. She also suggested some concrete ways I could start reducing the stress. Where we started and where we are now is like night and day. Kate has helped me dig deeper and understand myself in ways I never anticipated. I use something she has shared with me almost every day and the result has been a more peaceful, intentional, purpose-driven life. I laugh sometimes because I was just looking for less stress and have gotten so much more. Kate is compassionate, trustworthy, honest, and totally dedicated to helping people reach their highest potential. I am truly grateful for her wisdom and guidance. Our work together has made a tremendous difference in my life.”
– Sue G.
“Kate approaches her clients with utter kindness and a true absence of judgement. She is gentle and accepting, and her extensive knowledge of the mind body connection creates paths to progress and healing that are powerful yet simple. She has taught me so many effective techniques for dealing with anxiety I truly see the experience in a different way. One of the greatest benefits of the work I have done with Kate is the deep understanding and acceptance of self that I have acquired; which has brought openness to my life and greatly affects how I feel daily, as well as how I respond to others and the world we live in.”
– Anonymous Client
“What I value most about working with Kate, is that she steers me back to the point, and she mirrors points back to me. She is direct and gets to the nub of things – she explains what is behind things & is clear.
Kate has helped me to see more clearly some of the issues I have. I can handle things better, modify my response, think about where my reaction comes from, and take a ‘pause’.
She has helped me find clarity on why and from where some of my responses come from. Kate is very much like a friend and mentor. Her wisdom, clarity and insight are remarkable.”
– Simon
“I have been so pleased to collaborate with Kate! I referred my client to her several months ago for an intensive therapeutic experience, and the results have been astounding! I especially appreciate Kate’s thorough and professional assessment and treatment planning process, and her willingness to coordinate and communicate all aspects of follow up therapeutic care.
Kate provided a detailed case report after our sessions which was so helpful in processing with my client upon her follow up treatment with me. My client has been very excited to receive this specialized care, while maintaining her therapy with me, especially knowing we maintain a collaborative relationship. Kate is creative, compassionate, and competent on so many levels, and as a therapist I have so appreciated her expertise and ability to provide this specialized treatment for my client, while collaborating and honoring the ongoing therapeutic process my client has with me. I look forward to referring future clients to her!”
— Sarah Massie, Therapist
“My weekend intensive with Kate was more than I could have ever imagined! It is challenging to put it all into words.
Safety was established first and foremost and continually during our time together. This helped me to breathe deeper and relax into our time ahead. We set an intention for the weekend and quickly left that intention behind in order to be open to what may come out of our moments together. A weekend of sand tray, expressive arts, somatic experiencing, and reflection opened up my mind, my body, and my heart to things that I had long forgotten and/or tucked away. In three days I was able to uncover and explore more than I have been able to do with past counselors in a year. Kate’s integrated approaches engaged my mind, body, and spirit, helping me to uncover patterns and blocks that have been holding me back for decades. I could have never stepped into these parts of myself without feeling safe and knowing I was in the lead. Kate did a great job letting me lead the way to my own healing.
Kate is an incredible guide and her wisdom is palpable. She encouraged me to be open and curious throughout our weekend together. Little did I know, this openness and curiosity would lead me to feeling whole, alive, and connected — to myself, others, and nature. I left the weekend feeling like a brand new person. I was reborn, seeing the world with new eyes.
My follow-up session allowed me to let the weekend settle in my mind and in my body, in order to fully integrate my takeaways into life. I will forever hold this experience in my heart as a defining moment for my life. I am truly grateful for this experience!”
– Karena H., Ph.D., LPC, ACS, NCC
“Kate is truly a master therapist. She makes you feel really safe and comfortable because she is non-judgmental and accepting. From this space of deep trust, it is much easier to face yourself honestly and also to take the risks to grow. You can trust Kate to accept you and also to challenge you in a way that does not make you feel defensive. If you engage in work with her, the shifts you make will be foundational and long-lasting.”
— Michele, PhD, LPC
“When working with Kate, I value her ability to see us as individuals and as a couple. That she can reflect my partners truth to me and help me appreciate that he is trying. That she can see our relational styles and where they chafe when under stress. She reminds us to use the PAUSE, which is great we need a lot of reminding, old habits and patterns take time to change and need this sort of reminding and space.
Working with Kate has improved my life because it has helped me see how I bring my unhelpful coping strategies to our relationship, and my relationship with my daughter its given me more perspective and agency.
I have recommended Kate to friends because she has a wholistic approach, and is very compassionate and impartial. Her holding is secure.
I like her manner, she is easy to be with. She knows her stuff, there is a sense that she works with this knowledge in her personal life, and is not preaching anything she doesn’t practice. I appreciate her humanity and humility and clarity.”
– Anne, therapist